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Cannabis Infused Caesar (Alcohol-free)

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How To Make A Caesar with Cannabis

In this recipe, I'm going to show you how to make a non-alcoholic cannabis infused Caesar with an Asian twist! I've always loved Caesars, especially at seafood restaurants that serve deep-fried fish and chips, or any joint that serves a variety of oysters. The best Caesars I've had have always been the ones that have a huge skewer of bite-sized treats on it, such as bacon, pickles, jumbo shrimp, and even a crispy onion ring!

When it comes to making a Caesars with weed in it, the key is to use dissolvable cannabis powder that is water soluble. Because caesars don't contain any ingredients with fatty acids, cannabinoids in regular cannabis oil will not bind to the drink and you will end up wasting your oil, as it will just stick to the sides of your glass. Instead, opt for a cannabis powder that can dissolve easily into water-based drinks.

What's The Difference Between a Caesar and Bloody Mary?

For all the Americans reading this, you might be confused as to what a Caesar is. The photo looks like a Blood Mary to you, but here I am calling it a Caesar. Well, the only difference between a Caesar and a Blood Mary is that a Caesar uses Clamato, which is a blend of tomato and clam juices, while Bloody Marys use regular tomato juice. However, I will say that my Caesar recipe is not very traditional, so I'm not sure if I can officially call it a Caesar. Nonetheless, it looks like a Caesar and tastes like a Caesar, so I guess I'll call it a Caesar!

Why You'll Love This Cannabis Recipe

  • Easy and fun to make, a must-have at your next seafood feast!

  • Can be made with vegan or vegetarian substitute ingredients

  • No cannabis weed taste!

  • Can make this THC-infused or CBD infused

How Do You Make Cannabis Infused Drinks?

I love making cannabis-infused drinks because they're a great alternative to smoking or eating edibles/gummies. Making cannabis infused drinks is actually a lot simpler than it sounds. There are a few ways you can make cannabis-infused drinks, such as with cannabis infused sugar, cannabis maple syrup, cannabis honey, cannabis milk/dairy-free milk, cannabis oils, or dissolvable cannabis powder. The only thing that you have to remember is that if you plan on using just THC oil or CBD oil, make sure you mix it into a fat-based ingredient so that the cannabinoids will bind to your drink.

Check Out These Other Cannabis Drink Recipes

Ingredients and Substitutions

  • Tomato Clam Juice: Most people will use Mott's Clamato Juice however I like to use Walter Caesar Juice - specifically the one that contains lobster in it! It adds so much more depth and flavour to the Caesar because it has a bunch of ingredients that make up a Caesar already. For a vegan option, use plain tomato juice.

  • Fish Sauce or Worcestershire Sauce: I personally like to use Fish Sauce because it's an ingredient that I always have in my kitchen, and it generally doesn't have as many preservatives and miscellaneous ingredients as Worcestershire sauce. I also love the umami flavours from Fish Sauce which adds a lovely depth to the drink. For a vegan option, leave out this ingredient.

  • Coconut Aminos or Soy Sauce or Tamari: Nowadays I use coconut aminos as a full replacement for soy sauce and even tamari because I recently found out that I have a soy sensitivity (and it flares up my eczema). I love soy sauce so much, and I'll still sometimes use it for certain dishes, but any chance that I can sub it out, I'll opt for coconut aminos instead. The taste is definitely not the same, but it has a similar colour and viscosity which is what I was using it for in this recipe.

  • Horseradish: This ingredient is an absolute must! It adds a lovely kick to the Caesar and a tingle to the nose (if you like that kind of heat). If you have fresh horseradish, that's even better, but if not, horseradish that comes in a glass jar works too. You can grab it from your local grocery store, or even your local fish store.

  • Tabasco: Another must-have ingredient in any Caesar! Spice and heat is an essential component of any Caesar. Without the kick, it's just tomato juice (imo). You can use any hot sauce you have at home. Tabasco is a little basic but there's something that I love about it so much.

  • Jumbo Shrimps: Big shrimps are a great way to add a wow factor to any Caesar. All you need to do is flash boil some big ol' shrimp and add it to your skewer. For a vegan option, opt for fresh-cut veggies instead.

  • Bacon: I love a good crispy piece of bacon in my Caesar.

  • Baby Pickles: Totally optional, but a classic garnish for any Caesar.

  • Pimento Olives: You don't have to use pimento olives, but it adds a nice colour to your garnishes.

  • Limes: I usually like to garnish with a lime but not actually add it to the drink.

  • Tajin or Caesar Seasoning: There are many Caesar rim seasonings you can get, or you can just use Tajin or make your own! All you need are sea salt flakes, garlic and onion powder, and some cayenne or chilli pepper power.

  • Celery: A nice-to-have garnish. If you do plan to include this ingredient, get the celery stalks that have a bit of leaves as well. It makes the drink look very pretty.

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Tips and Tricks for Success

  1. I recommend chilling all the ingredients for at least an hour before making the drink. Yes, you can always add ice when you're making the drink, but I like my drink extra cold!

  2. Add a little bit of hot sauce to start, as you can always add more to the drink afterwards. The worst is when you've made an overly spicy hot drink and it's hard to dilute it after the fact. Your tastebuds will thank you!

Tools You'll Need

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