Cannabis Infused Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is a popular choice for dairy-free dits. This recipe is super versatile, and can be used for anything from coffee to curries to soups!

Yield: 250ml | Prep time: 5 mins | Cook time: 3h+


  • 1 can of organic coconut milk

  • 3.5 grams your favourite cannabis flower


Note: Recipe is specific to the LEVO infusion machine. If you do not have the LEVO machine, you can apply the same instructions with the traditional infusion method. Decarb the cannabis in the oven and infuse the cannabis with a crock pot, double broiler, or stone pot.

  1. Grind up your cannabis medium fine.

  2. Add the cannabis to your LEVO machine reservoir and select the ‘Activate’ function. Decarb the cannabis for 40 minutes at 150F.

  3. Once the cannabis is finished decarbing, add in a can of coconut milk directly into the reservoir.

  4. Select the ‘Infuse’ function for 3 hours at 240F.

  5. Once the cannabis is finished infusing into the coconut milk, dispense the coconut milk into a glass jar (preferably dark coloured if possible to prevent oxidization of the cannabinoids).

  6. Add the coconut milk to your morning coffee or incorporate it into curries, soups, or baking!

Use my code “CANNABINISTACO” for 10% off any LEVO infusion machine!

Cannabinista's Guide to Cannabis Infusions
Sale Price:US$19.99 Original Price:US$24.20

Learn how to make decarb and infuse the special herb in the comfort of your own home! In this 30 page digital guide, Cannabinista breaks down the science of decarboxylation, how to calculate the potency of your homemade infusions, and provides step-by-step guide on how to infuse olive oil, butter, and coconut oil with the traditional oven and stove method, or with modern devices like the LEVO.

After learning the basics to infusing at home, take those learnings and make Cannabinista’s top recipes - canna powder, infused chili oil, infused coffee, and even topicals like a canna muscle cream!

For a limited time only, all purchasers will be entered to win a brand new LEVO C ($299 USD value)! This is an offer you definitely don’t want to miss. So what are you waiting for? Join me on an elevated cannabis infusion journey today!

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