10 Tips To Prevent Being Shadowbanned or Disabled on Instagram

If you're reading this, you either have gotten your Instagram account shadowbanned before, you believe your Instagram account is currently shadowbanned, or you know someone who has experienced this. This is an extremely frustrating situation to be in and it is very common for businesses, brands, and creators. In this article, I am going to share 10 tips to prevent your Instagram account from being shadowbanned or disabled.

For this article, I will be discussing what a shadowban is, and how you can prevent it from happening to you in the future, which will ultimately prevent you from being disabled in the future.

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How To Get Your Disabled Cannabis Instagram Account Back

You have either gotten your Instagram account disabled before, your current Instagram account was disabled, or you know someone who has gone through this. Especially in the cannabis industry, this is a common frustration that occurs and affects many legitimate licensed cannabis businesses, brands, and creators. In this article, I am going to share 5 actionable steps you can take to get your disable Instagram account back.

I'll also be explaining how your account may have been disabled in the first place, what shadowbans are, and the issues with cannabis censorship on social media platforms. And I will be sharing a few ideas on how I think the cannabis community and Instagram can work together to create better guidelines for cannabis content.

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5 Reasons Why I Consume Medical and Recreational Cannabis

From my perspective, there is not enough education or resources about the potential benefits of using cannabis for medical or recreational purposes. Studies show that most doctors are not educated enough to prescribe medical cannabis to patients. Speaking from my personal experience, neither my family doctor or naturopath were educated about the potential benefits of cannabis for my health, and instead, I had to proactively reach out to a medical cannabis provider in order to speak with a "medical cannabis doctor" - and even then, they really knew nothing about cannabis and how it affects the human body or mind.

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